Looking to make some extra cash online? Yeah, let’s face it, we have all been there. Be it a temporary gig, part-time job, or just a way to kill time. Although for some of us, it’s more of a full-time thing depending upon many circumstances.
How to Make Money via Google
How many times have you searched this on Google only to find out that you can actually make money through Google? Shocking! I know, right?
Google provides people with the following easy ways to make hard cash:
- Adsense
- Youtube
- Google App Engine
- Google Opinion Rewards
Search Engine Evaluator
1) Adsense:
- The most common method to earn money on the internet is via Adsense. It is used to place ads on:
- Blogs
- Websites
You ought to have a niche-oriented blog/website and enough daily traffic to run ads. Remember, unique and helpful content creativity is crucial to attracting an audience.
2) Youtube:
How many videos have you seen of YouTubers bragging about being financially well-off? Well, it’s that straightforward. Create a Youtube channel, upload videos, place ads, and make money. All the while doing what you love to do anyway.
Ads on Youtube are of two kinds:
- CPC (Cost per Click)
- CPV (Cost per View)
Both of these depend upon the engagement your video generates.
3) Google App Engine:
This particular method might not be for everyone, but if you are computer savvy and know how to create apps, this is just the platform.
It does come at the cost of a small upfront investment and solely depends on your app, attracting users.
Still, if you have got it in you to design irresistible apps, you are already a winner.
4) Google Opinion Rewards
This is a user-friendly survey app from Google that allows you to complete surveys and earn money.
Download the app from PlayStore, login to your Google account, complete a test/initial survey, and you’ll get an email informing you if you have succeeded. After this, all the surveys you do will get you paid in Google Play Credits to purchase stuff from Google PlayStore.
5) Google Search Engine Evaluator:
Again, this option might not be everyone’s cup of tea. This method involves knowing the basics of computer algorithms and being an informed internet search engine user. Suppose you successfully pass the test (YES, there is a test). In that case, you can easily earn money online by evaluating websites and ads for their relevancy based on specific search terms as entailed in the guidelines you provided.
So, what are you waiting for? Hop on this online money-making train and get rich!